Storyboards and Single Frame Shots

Codes and Conventions

Always have a problem in the middle of the narrative structure
Facts and figures
Voice over’sInterviews

Always have a problem in the middle of the narrative structure
Cut away shots
Voice over’s
Natural shots
Sometimes reconstructions
Sound effects are often added for dramatisation
Simple and sometimes formal graphics
Experts are named
Eye line needs to be a third down
Music bed
Relevant mise-en-scene
Opening titles
Vox pops
No opposing questions
Variety of different camera angles
Archive footage
Exposition is made clear either at the start or throughout

Interview Questions

Interview Questions
In order to conduct an interview we had to generate some questions to ask the interviewee's. These questions were;

Driving Instructor:
1- Do you agree with the new test that has been brought forward in Oct 2010 (independent driving)?

2- Do you prefer to be a more strict instructor or a more laid back instructor?

3- Do you think that the theory test is really needed as it never used to be in place?

4- Do you think that the age of allowance to drive should be highered, lowered or stay the same?

Learner Driver:
1- Do you find it easy to drive?

2- Were you nervous when you first got behind the wheel of a car?

3- Do you prefer to be a more strict instructor or a more laid back instructor?

4- Do you think that the theory test is really needed as it never used to be in place?

Older Drivers:
1- Do you feel that you have plenty of experience on the roads or do you still feel slightly nervous about driving?

2- Do you get annoyed by younger divers?

3- Are you glad that you never had to take the theory test?

4- Do you think that the age of allowance to drive should be highered, lowered or stay the same?

Research For Documentary

For our primary research we decided to interview, the principal at our college in his office to connote importance, we then decided the interview the man that runs the theory classes at college in the LRC next to a computer screen with the theory test showing, we will then interview 3 learner drivers and 3 non drivers this is to show that not all people have learnt to drive, but also that a lot of people wish to drive. We will try to interview these next to or in a learner car this relates to the mise en scene, we are interviewing a driving instructer filming from outside the car into the car. After this we are going to interview someones parents to compare how the tests where then to now these interviews will be taken place outside of the interviewees car. After we interview a parent we are going to interview a police officer whom will talk about young drivers and accidents and finally we will interview a cars sales person to talk about the most purchased car, purchased by young drivers.

For our secondry research I found out some statistics about learner drivers to use in our documentary:

The source for this information is

High crash risk on P plates

Risks if crashing are the highest in the early probationary licence period. Around 45% of injury crashes occur in the first year. The crash risk almost halves after six to eight months of driving experience and continues to go down with time and expierience.

One of the main reasons for the high crash risk is the lack of driving experience before driving independantly. Research suggests that between 50% and 70% of new driver crashes are the result of skill errors - a direct result of not enough prior experience. The most common types of crashes are, accidents when your vehicle hits the rear of another vehicle, collisionsturning right at intersections, being hit by a right turning vehicle and being run off the road. I got this information because it will give us more knowlege and statistics that we can use in our documentary.

Here is some archive footage of the hazard perception test that we will use in our documentary.

Here is an interview with a learner driver explaining the bad and good things about learning to drive, the link is

Here is information, in which we looked at in order to get a message across about young learner drivers. Most of these links below are about fatalities due to learner drivers, as we believed that we needed to put some bad points about learner drivers to conclude the other side of the documentary. This is important because not all young drivers are safe when it comes to the road, and accidents are caused by immature drivers.

We have looked at specific driving instructors to interview, both male and female in order to get a variety of driving instructors. We asked if people minded what sex their driving instructor was, but they didn't matter therefore it would be the best option include both sexes within our documentary. We also handed out questionaires in which we found out specific information about what we should include within our documentaries, such as the colour of titles, forms of transport and then general information about cars.
There is also a rise in young people either learning to drive or wanting to learn to drive, therefore being able to interview numerous people allows us to get a wider aspect of what people want and who they wish to learn drive with. People want to learn to drive through a proffesional school so it would be vital for us to interview a driving instructor from such establishment.
Crash risks are at its highest when the P plate period, this is around 45% during the first year. This is then reduced as the time goes on, halfing after the first 6 months. The main reason for this is because people aren't as experienced, it is said that between 50% and 70% of crashes are due to skill errors within their driving.
On the other hand, their is a very little percentage of learners crashing. It is said that the more time you have supervised the less likely you'll have to crash.

We also used this magazine, to find out different statistics about driving, which we could encorporate in our documentary opening 5 minutes. We thought this would be a valuable source as it had a lot to do with driving and learner drivers, therefore would be highly suitable for our research.

Running Order

Formal Proposal

The topic we chose to use as our starting point was learning to drive and we changed the name to Emergency Stop because this was a lot catchier and quirky so more people will be inclined to watch it. We decided on this because it is different from other documentaries and a lot of people will be interested in watching it because a lot of people are learning to drive, therefore more interviews and voxpops. Also the documentary will be educational and interesting for parents of learner drivers, learner drivers themselves, non driving who are wanting to start driving and instructors this is a wide range of audiences for our documentary.

Our documentary is mixed because it has a combination of interviews, narrative, archive footage and voice overs this is used to support the discussion and used as evidence. The people we are going to interview are car drivers because they know all about the questions we are asking them for example if we ask a non driver ' What was your first car?' they cannot answer it, on the other hand if we ask a car driver 'Do you agree with the pay and display parking prices?' then they will in fact be able to answer the questions correctly and in detail. We are interviewing driving instructors because they will be able to tell us more about learner drivers and how they react to when they first start driving so we will be able to gain a more in-depth look into learner drivers, interviews with people such as the Principal of Priestley College, the man that organizes all the theory test classes in college, these interviews are important because they help us understand why they have decided to set these courses up for the students and how this could benefit them.

The style of our documentary is pretty formal because we want to get across the idea of people learning to drive and this is quite a serious topic. If our documentary style was informal or MTV style then not many people would take it seriously then our topic will not convey what we want the viewers to think or feel about the documentary. We want the viewers to take out documentary seriously and understand what we are trying to portray.
The channel we decided to air out documentary on was Channel 4 because this is a controversial channel and appeals to an educated audience also teenagers and young adults around the ages of 17 to 24 as these viewers will be either old enough to drive or actually drivers.

The target audience is ideal for our type of documentary because the mass of people that are learning to drive are around these ages so this gives us a great target audience however this could reduce the amount of people that watch our documentary because a lot of people are not driving and are not really interested in driving therefore will not watch our documentary. However this documentary could allow people who aren't learning to become interested in pursuing such thing. We decided that young people would be our main target audience because they are the main people in whom want to drive, the fact that many young people want to drive made it important for us to pick such thing.

For the primary research we have created 30 questionnaires and give them out to the public, however we can only give the questionnaires to learner drivers or there would be no point to doing the questionnaire. Then we will receive the feedback from the questionnaires and use the information to create pie and graph charts, this will help us to come to a conclusion of what the viewers want see and how we can make this documentary more realistic. Also we will add the vox pops we filmed to our documentary in between interviews. We've also looked at interviewing a number of different people, including the principle of Priestley College with the enrichment programme he's set up for young learner drivers, the main that is specifically allocated to learner young student to drive, we have also decided to interview a police man, which allows us to get a more hands on approach to how many young people have been involved in a collision. Next we thought it would be able interview a car sales lott owner to find out which car young drivers tend to buy, this would allow us to gather a more in depth understanding of the cars in which people have bought.

The secondary research we will use Internet surveys to help us widen our research and gain more knowledge towards the topic in question, also we are going to use newspaper articles in our documentaries to then be able to gather statistics about learner drivers. Another thing in which we did, was to look at different driving instructor schools, this was because we wanted to know how many lessons a person would take before they felt comfortable in taking both their theory and actual driving test. We are able to look at how much a person on average would spend on driving lessons, thus being able to have this average number of lessons being given to everyone who's learnt to drive. We also decided to look at the high crash risk P Test, this is when people who've passed their test, has crashed, we are able to gather information about the percentage of young drivers who've crashed whilst going solo, this is because they haven't had enough skill experience, therefore the more time you spend with a driving instructor the less likely you are to experience a collision. We also looked at different happenings due to learner drivers, whether this is collisions or just plain unexplainable mistakes.

The narrative structure for our documentary is pretty simple, the idea that we will have a clear exposition means that people will clearly understand what our documentary is about but also to gain a more in depth understanding about learning to driver and young drivers. At the beginning of our documentary will be clear set out interviews with a number of different people, including non-drivers, older drivers and other people set out within the driving industry. By the middle there will be a clear conflict within our documentary, this will happen due to what people in interviews say about our topic area, learning to drive. We will also show the number of fatalities due to young drivers and why they may actually do to cause such things. By this time, we will have gained both sides of the argument, the good and the bad things about young drivers. And by the time the documentary comes to a close, we, the audience will gain a clear understanding of what the documentary was about, and they'll be able to make up their own mind up about learner drivers, therefore the ending is pretty open-ended. This is a good thing, because it allows the audience to be more involved within our documentary. It would also allow people who are undecided about driving to make up their mind whether they wish to want to learn or if they wish to still be an non-driver.

The outline of content for our documentary are:

Interviews with a driving instructor
Voxpops with questions
The man that runs session within college
Interviews with learner drivers from college
Interviews with learner drivers from outside of college
Interview with a non driver
Interview with someone who never learnt to drive
Interview someones mum or dad about their first car and put a photo in their first car

Our research requirements for our documentary are:

A camera
A mic
A tripod
And a green screen

At the start of the documentary, the exposition will be set - learner drivers, is it hard to learn? A montage of clips will be displayed in order to set out how there are various types of drivers, old and young and more experienced than others. There will also be various interviews, vox pops and cut away shots to help establish what the documentary is actually about and highlighting learner driving in general.
The middle of the documentary will contain more interviews, including an interview with a policeman, highlighting his views on whether young drivers are more vulnerable and also commenting about 'boy racers' and how they can cause various crashes and mis haps within the streets. There will also be interviews with people such as the principle of priestley college, parents and their cars, it'll give a clear understanding of cars parents had when they were younger. And we're able to understand what cars were like a few years ago compared to cars today.
The End of the documentary will answer any questions lying such as how easy is the theory test? or how much the driving test has changed over the years it has been running. People will also gain a clear understanding of what this documentary was about, and undecided drivers will then come to a decision if they wish to drive or not. This documentary may also give that understanding to young and immature learner drivers, to be more safe and more aware of their surroundings of the road and also people who aren't on the road. This may then begin to reduce the amount of fatalities due to immature drivers.

Production Schedule

Production Schedule

Name of Programme: Emergency Stop
Directors: Michael Harpur, Francesca Gee and Jarrod Rourke
Producers: Michael Harpur, Francesca Gee and Jarrod Rourke
Client: OCR

Date Production Started: 27th September
Formal Proposal Started: 4th October Completed: 8th October
Storyboard Started: 8th October Completed: 11th October
Shooting Started: 11th October Completed: 1st November
Post Production Started: 1st Novemeber Completed: 15th November
Rough Cut Submitted: 22nd November
Final Show Tape Completed: 17th December
Sent to Client: 17th December

Warrington Town Centre -Golden Square.
Widnes Town Centre - Morrison's Car Park.
Sandymoor - Runcorn
Sankey - Warrington

Transport Required:
Halton Borough Transport buses

Brainstorm Of Content For Documentary

Brainstorm of content for Documentary

For my documentary we are going to interview a range of different people because this gives variety of different opinions on our topic area.

We will interview:
· The principal to find out why he has set up programmes such as the theory test revision course, and what the benefits to this are.
· The man who actually does the sessions with pupils and ask him questions like why he thinks this course benefits the students as they learn to drive.
· We will interview driving instructors to find out about how the learners drivers react in different situations.
· Also we will interview Fran Evans.
· Learner drivers in college and ask them all about what it’s like to learn to drive.
· And learner drivers outside of college also.

We will use a range of different camera angles such as:
· Filming from inside the almost like a reconstruction, to make the viewers feel as if they are in the car.
· From outside the car.
· We will also film learner drivers driving off to use as cut aways.
· For more cut aways we could film parts of the theory test like the hazard perception test to show the viewers what it is like.
· For the music in our documentary we thought of using up to date music, also we could use relevant music like music about cars or driving. And we could use sounds like beeping or revving to add a bit of humor to our documentary.
· For the Archive Material we will have thought of using bits off the theory test, for example the theory test. We could also use footage of learner drivers driving through a route. For the voice over we are thinking of using a male voice in a pretty serious tone to interest the viewers and it’s more believable to the audience.

Target Audience Research Analysis

This video, shows our questions being asked about different questions in our questionnaire, this then gives us a clear understanding of what people think and this then gives you a verbal response of a few of the questions.

This represents our target audience for our documentary, we decided to focus more on this age, because there young and learning to drive, and they start to gain more independence. This chart shows that the age for people to start learning to drive is 17 which is the same age as now, therfore nothing needs to change.

Throughout trying to find our target audience, we can to this conclusion that more females are learning to drive than males, this may be for many reasons.

As you can see, there were a numerous of different channels that people enjoyed watching, however Channel 4 was the most popular. From finding this, we decided that broadcasting our documentary on this channel would be best in attracting our target audience.

Blue is our target audiences favourite colour, we did this as it would help us with our colour scheme within our documentary, as we were able to find out what colours they like most. Getting the colours they like would effect our mise-en-scene massively within our documentary, so if we got colours people liked, they are more likely to tune in.

We also asked our target audience why they wanted to drive, to give us a rough estimate why young people are so eager to learn to drive. This chart tells us that people want to drive because it is easier and a better way of travel.

Again, we decided to place our documentary in the 7pm slot because this time was most popular with our target audience, therefore more viewers.

Along with asking why our target audience wanted to learn to drive, we also asked if it mattered if learning with a certain sex mattered. Through our finding we found out that the majority of people didn't care about the sex of their driving instructor.

Within our society, there is a lot of pressures to do a certain thing, and this is also incorporated into passing your driving test. Many of our target audience felt that there was a lot of pressure to buy a car once the they've passed there driving test. This may be for a number of reasons, and peer pressure may be one of the factors.

We asked if people could choose any car they wish, what would it be. The most wanted car people wish they could have would be a mini cooper. This chart does show a variety of different cars which means a lot of people have a lot of different opinions when it comes to cars.

We also asked if there was any pressure in passing your driving test first time, and again the majority of the people we asked said there was a pressure in passing it first time, again this could be because of peer pressure. Or it could just be simple rivalry between friends about who buys the best car once past.

The average amount of lessons our target audience thought would be appropriate before taking there test was 20, this might be because they wouldn't feel ready taking there test and only having a little amount of experience on the road and inside the car.

With this question, we asked people what form of transport each participant took, and we were able to see that most young people get a bus to get places they go, but also, that the majority of our target audience would say that being able to drive would be a lot easier and simple for them.

Many of the people who filled out our questionnaire thought that the theory test was relatively easy, the most scoring a mere 7/10.
We also found out that the majority of people we asked who had taken their theory test had passed it first time.

The majority of our respondents to our questionnaire said that they found driving pretty easy, however other learner drivers said they found driving easy only sometimes, this could be for a number of reasons for example the weather could be bad on the day that they where driving.

Throughout our research we found out that again the majority of people asked said that they did feel nervous when sitting behind the wheel of a car for the very first time and they started to learn to drive at the age of 17.

The majority of people asked thought that the age someone should be allowed to drive would be the age people are allowed to drive now, they may have found this age to be mature enough to drive and that they'd feel safe with using the road at this age.
The majority of people asked thought that the age someone should be allowed to drive would be the age people are allowed to drive now, they may have found this age to be mature enough to drive and that they'd feel safe with using the road at this age.

Target Audience Research

Learning to Drive Questionnaire

Q1: Age:

Q2: Gender: Male Female

Q3: What is your favourite TV Channel?

Q4:What time do you watch TV?

Q5:What is your favourite colour?
Black White Silver Other
If other please state ..............................................................................

Q6:Why do you want to drive?

Q7:Would it make a difference if the driving instructor was male or female?
Yes No

Q8: Is there an urgency to buy your first car once you’ve passed you test?
Yes No

Q9: If you could have any car, what would it be and why?

Q10: Is there a pressure to pass your driving test first time round?
Yes No

Q11: How many lessons do you think you need before your ready to take your driving test?
5 10 15 20 25 30+

Q12: What forms of transport do you use now, and is driving a better way to travel?

Q13: On a scale of 1- 10, 1 being the hardest, how difficult would you say the theory test is?

Q14: How many times did it take for you to pass your theory test?

Q15: Do you find driving easy?

Q16: When did you learn to drive?

Q17: Where you nervous when you first got in a car?

Q18: What is your opinion of the new driving test being brought forward in October 2010?

Q19: Do you prefer a strict or laid back driving instructor?

Q20: What age do you think it is appropriate to drive?