Research For Documentary

For our primary research we decided to interview, the principal at our college in his office to connote importance, we then decided the interview the man that runs the theory classes at college in the LRC next to a computer screen with the theory test showing, we will then interview 3 learner drivers and 3 non drivers this is to show that not all people have learnt to drive, but also that a lot of people wish to drive. We will try to interview these next to or in a learner car this relates to the mise en scene, we are interviewing a driving instructer filming from outside the car into the car. After this we are going to interview someones parents to compare how the tests where then to now these interviews will be taken place outside of the interviewees car. After we interview a parent we are going to interview a police officer whom will talk about young drivers and accidents and finally we will interview a cars sales person to talk about the most purchased car, purchased by young drivers.

For our secondry research I found out some statistics about learner drivers to use in our documentary:

The source for this information is

High crash risk on P plates

Risks if crashing are the highest in the early probationary licence period. Around 45% of injury crashes occur in the first year. The crash risk almost halves after six to eight months of driving experience and continues to go down with time and expierience.

One of the main reasons for the high crash risk is the lack of driving experience before driving independantly. Research suggests that between 50% and 70% of new driver crashes are the result of skill errors - a direct result of not enough prior experience. The most common types of crashes are, accidents when your vehicle hits the rear of another vehicle, collisionsturning right at intersections, being hit by a right turning vehicle and being run off the road. I got this information because it will give us more knowlege and statistics that we can use in our documentary.

Here is some archive footage of the hazard perception test that we will use in our documentary.

Here is an interview with a learner driver explaining the bad and good things about learning to drive, the link is

Here is information, in which we looked at in order to get a message across about young learner drivers. Most of these links below are about fatalities due to learner drivers, as we believed that we needed to put some bad points about learner drivers to conclude the other side of the documentary. This is important because not all young drivers are safe when it comes to the road, and accidents are caused by immature drivers.

We have looked at specific driving instructors to interview, both male and female in order to get a variety of driving instructors. We asked if people minded what sex their driving instructor was, but they didn't matter therefore it would be the best option include both sexes within our documentary. We also handed out questionaires in which we found out specific information about what we should include within our documentaries, such as the colour of titles, forms of transport and then general information about cars.
There is also a rise in young people either learning to drive or wanting to learn to drive, therefore being able to interview numerous people allows us to get a wider aspect of what people want and who they wish to learn drive with. People want to learn to drive through a proffesional school so it would be vital for us to interview a driving instructor from such establishment.
Crash risks are at its highest when the P plate period, this is around 45% during the first year. This is then reduced as the time goes on, halfing after the first 6 months. The main reason for this is because people aren't as experienced, it is said that between 50% and 70% of crashes are due to skill errors within their driving.
On the other hand, their is a very little percentage of learners crashing. It is said that the more time you have supervised the less likely you'll have to crash.

We also used this magazine, to find out different statistics about driving, which we could encorporate in our documentary opening 5 minutes. We thought this would be a valuable source as it had a lot to do with driving and learner drivers, therefore would be highly suitable for our research.

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