Scripting Voiceover

Whilst looking over our script for our voice-over, we decided to gather all relevant information together, set it up as our script then remove certain bits, bits we didn't necessarily need. Thus creating a smaller more structured voice-over. As we didn't actually want the voice-over to dominate over the documentary. We felt that we only needed sort catchy pieces of information in order to get the audience interested in our documentary.

The bits highlighted in red, are the bits we eventually decided to use within our documentary, we felt that having these bits informed the audience with the relevant statistics and relevant information needed, without over filling their brains with irrelevant information.

Over 1,600,000 people drive each year, that’s just over 4300 a day. There are a number of driving schools in which a person could learn, therefore it’s hard to choose the best; do you go for the label of AA? Or do you go for the simple opinion of the cheapest? This is the question on every learner drivers mind. This would then determine the quality you’d receive. Many young people would go for which is cheapest but does this mean you’re getting the best quality.

Once you’ve passed your test, the idea of getting your first car is exciting, do you get a Ford, Peugeot, Citroen, Toyota, smart car? The possibilities are endless. Even though the idea of getting your first car is exciting, which car would you go for?

Would you go for with pimping out your ride? Or getting a car that goes fast. Many young drivers are influenced by the shows they watch, Top Gear for example. Or just by seeing other people’s cars. Therefore there is immense pressure on young people to get a car which they won’t be mocked for.

The idea of petrol and the cost of learning and insurance would put people off, learning to drive and the amount of people on the road, which causes congestion, and also the price of parking. All these factors build up in a young person’s mind and how they would pay for using such luxury.

The minimum amount a person would pay for the running of their car could be £2,176 on standing charges per year, and this could exceed £11,422

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